The Right To Information Act 2005 provide secure access to information under the control of public authorities. RTI online request portal does not offering in public authorities under the state government. File "Right To Information" application or first appeals online through website along with payment gateway. Supporting payments through internet banking of State Bank of India and its associates banks & debit or credit cards of Master/Visa.

Read all instructions carefully while submitting RTI request or appeal. No fee for below poverty line (attach a copy of appropriate certificate). After registration will get a unique registration number for further reference. If you want any help contact at 01124622461 (Time: 9 AM to 5.30 PM) or sent an email to
Sign Up ( User registration not mandatory)
Visit RTI online official website and click "Sign Up here" option (near to log in window).
Fill all fields one by one and complete all steps in user sign up.
Login For Registered Users
If you are a registered user in Right to information online website, log in with username and password to access your account.

Note: User registration and log-in is optional option for requesting R.T.I. online.
Submit RTI Request Online
Click "Submit Request" on the top of the website menu or click to get direct access and read all instructions. Tick mark the red colored option in bottom of the page and Submit.
Fill all mandatory fields and complete payment window. After the registration will get a unique number.